Wednesday, October 11, 2006

David Gilmour Vs Roger Waters

What is more important for a musician? Heart or voice? OK! Heart is just a blood pumping machine. Brain or voice? This was precisely my question tonight. Is there an answer to it? Probably not.

Waters is a GREAT composer, Gilmour is a GREAT singer & guitarist. When Waters sang "Shine On" as a tribute to Syd Barrett(I'll rave about Syd Barrett some other time, meanwhile check him out on youtube), I missed Gilmour. But, I dont think Gilmour can ever compose a "Another Brick on The Wall" which happens to be my alltime favorite rock song.

When waters and Gilmour split up Waters took animations & flying pigs, and Gilmour took lasers. Waters took the brain and Gilmour took the voice. I cannot help but feel sad like many other Pink Floyd fans.

Concert ROCKED. Started off with "In the Flesh" just as I expected and ended with "Comfortably Numb". For the penultimate song, I could've paid any money(Yes it was "Brick on the wall Part-II"). But I missed David Gilmour.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Resisting Temptations

Last wednesday after eating dinner, I was sitting on the couch watching tv, opened a box of candies and started eating 1. Awesome truffle, I thought.

I got a few boxes of candies for christmas as a gifts. I also buy another love of mine dark chocolate covered raisins from trader joes, which I religiously eat everyday. There was a story on NPR a couple of weeks back about how chocolate can help in reducing the risk of heart attack. What else can make a chocolate lover happy? It might 've been a reserach sponsored by chocolate industry & results might 've been skewed. But who cares.(I'm considering only chocolate lovers here.)

There's one more thing about chocolate, it is very addicting. I used to eat a lot of chocolate when I was in college. To fight the additcion, I used to buy chocolate & keep it on the table in my room, but not eat it for a week. I felt it was the ultimate test of self control. I always won.

I have been eating chocolate almost everyday for last 5 months now. Now that could mean one hell of an addiction. So I had to do it again, have chocolate in front of me and not eat it. I left a candy box and chocolate raisins on the coffee table and decided not to eat it for a week. Well, I did it again. Yesterday was the eight day. Fellas! nothing in this world is addicting.